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This dataset is a sequence of laser-induced fluorescence images of a dye injected in a channel flow with canopy-like stainless steel rods simulating a vegetation canopy stand. The data is acquired close to the channel bottom at z/h=0.2, where z is the height referenced to the channel bed and h is the canopy height. The dataset provides spatial distribution of scalar concentration in a plane parallel to the channel bed. The data has been used (but the data itself has not been published or available to the public) in previous work. The references are: Ghannam, K., Poggi, D., Porporato, A., & Katul, G. (2015). The spatio-temporal statistical structure and ergodic behaviour of scalar turbulence within a rod canopy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology,157(3), 447–460. Ghannam, K, Poggi, D., Bou-Zeid, E., Katul, G. (2020). Inverse cascade evidenced by information entropy of passive scalars in submerged canopy flows. Geophysical Research Letters (accepted).
We provide all the test data and corresponding predictions for our paper, “Practical Fluorescence Reconstruction Microscopy for High-Content Imaging”. Please refer to the Methods section in this paper for experimental details. For each experimental condition, we provide the input transmitted-light images (either phase contrast or DIC), the ground truth fluorescence images, and the output predicted fluorescence images which should reconstruct the ground truth fluorescence images.
The data provided in this DataSpace consists of sample training data to be used for Fluorescence Reconstruction Microscopy (FRM) testing. We provide a subset of the keratinocyte (10x magnification) dataset used in our paper, in which interested parties may find more complete information about our data collection methods. Matched pairs of phase contrast and fluorescent images are given. The nuclei were stained using Hoechst 33342 and imaged using a standard DAPI filter set.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561\cocoasubrtf610{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}{\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;}{\*\expandedcolortbl;;\cssrgb\c0\c0\c0;}\margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0\pard\tx887\tx1775\tx2662\tx3550\tx4438\tx5325\tx6213\tx7101\tx7988\tx8876\tx9764\tx10651\tx11539\tx12427\tx13314\tx14202\tx15090\tx15977\tx16865\tx17753\tx18640\tx19528\tx20416\tx21303\tx22191\tx23079\tx23966\tx24854\tx25742\tx26629\tx27517\tx28405\tx29292\tx30180\tx31067\tx31955\tx32843\tx33730\tx34618\tx35506\tx36393\tx37281\tx38169\tx39056\tx39944\tx40832\tx41719\tx42607\tx43495\tx44382\tx45270\tx46158\tx47045\tx47933\tx48821\tx49708\tx50596\tx51484\tx52371\tx53259\tx54147\tx55034\tx55922\tx56810\tx57697\tx58585\tx59472\tx60360\tx61248\tx62135\tx63023\tx63911\tx64798\tx65686\tx66574\tx67461\tx68349\tx69237\tx70124\tx71012\tx71900\tx72787\tx73675\tx74563\tx75450\tx76338\tx77226\tx78113\tx79001\tx79889\tx80776\tx81664\tx82552\tx83439\tx84327\tx85215\tx86102\tx86990\tx87877\tx88765\slleading20\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0\f0\fs38 \cf2 Solitary zonal structures have recently been identified in gyrokinetic simulations of subcritical drift-wave (DW) turbulence with background shear flows. However, the nature of these structures has not been fully understood yet. Here, we show that similar structures can be obtained within a reduced model, which complements the modified Hasegawa\'97Mima equation with a generic primary instability and a background shear flow. We also find that these structures can be qualitatively reproduced in the modified Hasegawa\'97Wakatani equation, which subsumes the reduced model as a limit. In particular, we illustrate that in both cases, the solitary zonal structures approximately satisfy the same \'93equation of state\'94, which is a local relation connecting the DW envelope with the zonal-flow velocity. Due to this generality, our reduced model can be considered as a minimum model for solitary zonal structures in subcritical DWs. }
The data provided in this DataSpace consists of sample training data to be used for Fluorescence Reconstruction Microscopy (FRM) testing. We provide a subset of the MDCK (20x magnification) dataset used in our paper, in which interested parties may find more complete information about our data collection methods. Matched pairs of DIC and fluorescent images are given. The cells stably expressed E-cadherin:RFP which enabled imaging of junctional fluorescence, while the nuclei were stained using Hoechst 33342 and imaged using a standard DAPI filter set.
Vertical displacement events (VDEs) can occur in elongated tokamaks causing large currents to flow in the vessel and other adjacent metallic structures. To better understand the potential magnitude of the associated forces and the role of the so called ``halo currents'' on them, we have used the M3D-C1 code to simulate potential VDEs in ITER. We used actual values for the vessel resistivity and pre-quench temperatures and, unlike most of the previous studies, the halo region is naturally formed by triggering the thermal quench with an increase in the plasma thermal conductivity. We used the 2D non-linear version of the code and vary the post-thermal quench thermal conductivity profile as well as the boundary temperature in order to generate a wide range of possible cases that could occur in the experiment. We also show that, for a similar condition, increasing the halo current does not increase the total force on the wall since it is offset by a decrease in the toroidal contribution.
Conditions for net fast ion drive are derived for beam-driven, co-propagating, sub-cyclotron compressional (CAE) and global (GAE) Alfven eigenmodes driven by the Landau resonance with super-Alfvenic fast ions. Approximations applicable to realistic neutral beam distributions and mode characteristics observed in spherical tokamaks enable the derivation of marginal stability conditions for these modes. Such conditions successfully reproduce the stability boundaries found from numerical integration of the exact expression for local fast ion drive/damping. Coupling between the CAE and GAE branches of the dispersion due to finite \omega/\omega_{ci} and k_\parallel/k_\perp is retained and found to be responsible for the existence of the GAE instability via this resonance. Encouraging agreement is demonstrated between the approximate stability criterion, simulation results, and a database of NSTX observations of co-CAEs.
Wilterson, Andrew; Nastase, Samuel; Bio, Branden; Guterstam, Arvid; Graziano, Michael
The attention schema theory (AST) posits a specific relationship between subjective awareness and attention, in which awareness is the control model that the brain uses to aid in the endogenous control of attention. We proposed that the right temporoparietal junction (TPJ) is involved in that interaction between awareness and attention. In previous experiments, we developed a behavioral paradigm in human subjects to manipulate awareness and attention. The paradigm involved a visual cue that could be used to guide a shift of attention to a target stimulus. In task 1, subjects were aware of the visual cue, and their endogenous control mechanism was able to use the cue to help control attention. In task 2, subjects were unaware of the visual cue, and their endogenous control mechanism was no longer able to use it to control attention, even though the cue still had a measurable effect on other aspects of behavior. Here we tested the two tasks while scanning brain activity in human volunteers. We predicted that the right TPJ would be active in relation to the cue in task 1, but not in task 2. This prediction was confirmed. The right TPJ was active in relation to the cue in task 1; it was not measurably active in task 2; the difference was significant. In our interpretation, the right TPJ is involved in a complex interaction in which awareness aids in the control of attention.
Li, Zhongshu; Gallagher, Kevin P.; Mauzerall, Denise L.
The dataset include a list of power projects outside of China that receive Chinese foreign direct investment from 2000 to 2018. Detailed information including project capacity, location, share of Chinese ownership, type of power generating technologies are collected for each power project.