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292. Blob wakes in NSTX
- Author(s):
- Zweben SJ, Myra JR, Diallo A, Russell DA, Scotti F, Stotler DP
- Abstract:
- Transient small-scale structures were identified in the wake of blobs movingpoloidally through the SOL of high-powered H-mode plasmas in NSTX, using the gaspuff imaging (GPI) diagnostic. These blob wakes had a poloidal wavelength in therange 3.5 cm, which is significantly smaller than the average blob scale of~12 cm, and the wakes had a poloidal velocity of 1.5 km/sec in theelectron diamagnetic direction, which is opposite to the blob poloidal velocity inthese shots. These wakes were radially localized 0-4 cm outside the separatrix andoccurred within ~50 microsec after the passage of a blob through the GPI field of view.The clearest wakes were seen when the GPI viewing angle was well aligned with thelocal B field line, as expected for such small-scale structures given the diagnosticgeometry. A plausible theoretical interpretation of the wakes is discussed: theobserved wakes share some features of drift waves and/or drift-Alfven waves whichcould be excited
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- July 2019
293. Comment on ‘Numerical modeling of tokamak breakdown phase driven by pure Ohmic heating under ideal conditions’
- Author(s):
- Yoo, Min-Gu; Na, Yong-Su
- Abstract:
- In this comment, we point out possible critical numerical flaws of recent particle simulation studies (Jiang et al 2016 Nucl. Fusion 56 126017, Peng et al 2018 Nucl. Fusion 58 026007) on the electrical gas breakdown in a simple one-dimensional periodic slab geometry. We show that their observations on the effects of the ambipolar electric fields during the breakdown, such as the sudden reversal of the ion flow direction, could not be real physical phenomena but resulting from numerical artifacts violating the momentum conservation law. We show that an incomplete implementation of the direct-implicit scheme can cause the artificial electric fields and plasma transports resulting in fallacies in simulation results. We also discuss that their simple plasma model without considering poloidal magnetic fields seriously mislead the physical mechanism of the electrical gas breakdown because it cannot reflect important dominant plasma dynamics in the poloidal plane (Yoo et al 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 3523).
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- June 2019
294. Formation of solitary zonal structures via the modulational instability of drift waves
- Author(s):
- Zhou, Yao; Zhu, Hongxuan; Dodin, I. Y.
- Abstract:
- {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;\cssrgb\c0\c0\c0;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww10800\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx887\tx1775\tx2662\tx3550\tx4438\tx5325\tx6213\tx7101\tx7988\tx8876\tx9764\tx10651\tx11539\tx12427\tx13314\tx14202\tx15090\tx15977\tx16865\tx17753\tx18640\tx19528\tx20416\tx21303\tx22191\tx23079\tx23966\tx24854\tx25742\tx26629\tx27517\tx28405\tx29292\tx30180\tx31067\tx31955\tx32843\tx33730\tx34618\tx35506\tx36393\tx37281\tx38169\tx39056\tx39944\tx40832\tx41719\tx42607\tx43495\tx44382\tx45270\tx46158\tx47045\tx47933\tx48821\tx49708\tx50596\tx51484\tx52371\tx53259\tx54147\tx55034\tx55922\tx56810\tx57697\tx58585\tx59472\tx60360\tx61248\tx62135\tx63023\tx63911\tx64798\tx65686\tx66574\tx67461\tx68349\tx69237\tx70124\tx71012\tx71900\tx72787\tx73675\tx74563\tx75450\tx76338\tx77226\tx78113\tx79001\tx79889\tx80776\tx81664\tx82552\tx83439\tx84327\tx85215\tx86102\tx86990\tx87877\tx88765\slleading20\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs38 \cf2 The dynamics of the radial envelope of a weak coherent drift wave is approximately governed by a nonlinear Schr\'f6dinger equation, which emerges as a limit of the modified Hasegawa\'97Mima equation. The nonlinear Schr\'f6dinger equation has well-known soliton solutions, and its modulational instability can naturally generate solitary structures. In this paper, we demonstrate that this simple model can adequately describe the formation of solitary zonal structures in the modified Hasegawa\'97Mima equation, but only when the amplitude of the coherent drift wave is relatively small. At larger amplitudes, the modulational instability produces stationary zonal structures instead. Furthermore, we find that incoherent drift waves with beam-like spectra can also be modulationally unstable to the formation of solitary or stationary zonal structures, depending on the beam intensity. Notably, we show that these drift waves can be modeled as quantumlike particles (\'93driftons\'94) within a recently developed phase-space (Wigner\'97Moyal) formulation, which intuitively depicts the solitary zonal structures as quasi-monochromatic drifton condensates. Quantumlike effects, such as diffraction, are essential to these condensates; hence, the latter cannot be described by wave-kinetic models that are based on the ray approximation.\ }
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- June 2019
295. Modelling of Ablatant Deposition from Electromagnetically Driven Radiative Pellets for Disruption Mitigation Studies
- Author(s):
- Lunsford, Robert; Raman, Roger; Brooks, Arthur; Ellis, Robert A.; Lay, W-S;
- Abstract:
- The Electromagnetic Particle Injector (EPI) concept is advanced through the simulation of ablatant deposition into ITER H-mode discharges with calculations showing penetration past the H-mode pedestal for a range of injection velocities and granule sizes concurrent with the requirements of disruption mitigation. As discharge stored energy increases in future fusion devices such as ITER, control and handling of disruption events becomes a critical issue. An unmitigated disruption could lead to failure of the plasma facing components resulting in financially and politically costly repairs. Methods to facilitate the quench of an unstable high current discharge are required. With the onset warning time for some ITER disruption events estimated to be less than 10 ms, a disruption mitigation system needs to be considered which operates at injection speeds greater than gaseous sound speeds. Such an actuator could then serve as a means to augment presently planned pneumatic injection systems. The EPI uses a rail gun concept whereby a radiative payload is delivered into the discharge by means of the JxB forces generated by an external current pulse, allowing for injection velocities in excess of 1 km/s. The present status of the EPI project is outlined, including the addition of boost magnetic coils. These coils augment the self-generated rail gun magnetic field and thus provide a more efficient acceleration of the payload. The coils and the holder designed to constrain them have been modelled with the ANSYS code to ensure structural integrity through the range of operational coil cu
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- June 2019
296. Unsupervised identification of the internal states that shape natural behavior
- Author(s):
- Calhoun, Adam; Pillow, Jonathan; Murthy, Mala
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- 28 May 2019
297. Nonlinear saturation and oscillations of collisionless zonal flows
- Author(s):
- Zhu, Hongxuan; Zhou, Yao; Dodin, I. Y.
- Abstract:
- In homogeneous drift-wave (DW) turbulence, zonal flows (ZFs) can be generated via a modulational instability (MI) that either saturates monotonically or leads to oscillations of the ZF energy at the nonlinear stage. This dynamics is often attributed as the predator-prey oscillations induced by ZF collisional damping; however, similar dynamics is also observed in collisionless ZFs, in which case a different mechanism must be involved. Here, we propose a semi-analytic theory that explains the transition between the oscillations and saturation of collisionless ZFs within the quasilinear Hasegawa-Mima model. By analyzing phase-space trajectories of DW quanta (driftons) within the geometrical-optics (GO) approximation, we argue that the parameter that controls this transition is N ~ \gamma_MI/\omega_DW, where \gamma_MI is the MI growth rate and \omega_DW is the linear DW frequency. We argue that at N << 1, ZFs oscillate due to the presence of so-called passing drifton trajectories, and we derive an approximate formula for the ZF amplitude as a function of time in this regime. We also show that at N >~ 1, the passing trajectories vanish and ZFs saturate monotonically, which can be attributed to phase mixing of higher-order sidebands. A modification of N that accounts for effects beyond the GO limit is also proposed. These analytic results are tested against both quasilinear and fully-nonlinear simulations. They also explain the earlier numerical results by Connaughton et al. [J. Fluid Mech. 654, 207 (2010)] and Gallagher et al. [Phys. Plasmas 19, 122115 (2012)] and offer a revised perspective on what the control parameter is that determines the transition from the oscillations to saturation of collisionless ZFs.
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- May 2019
298. Spontaneous multi-keV electron generation in a low-RF-power axisymmetric mirror machine
- Author(s):
- Swanson, C.;Cohen, S.A.
- Abstract:
- Title: Spontaneous multi-keV electron generation in a low-RF-power axisymmetric mirror machine Abstract: X-ray emission shows the existence of multi-keV electrons in low-temperature, low-power, capacitively-coupled RF-heated magnetic-mirror plasmas that also contain a warm (300 eV) minority electron population. Though these warm electrons are initially passing particles, we suggest that collisionless scattering -- mu non-conservation in the static vacuum field -- is responsible for a minority of them to persist in the mirror cell for thousands of transits during which time a fraction are energized to a characteristic temperature of 3 keV, with some electrons reaching energies above 30 keV. A heuristic model of the heating by a Fermi-acceleration-like mechanism is presented, with mu non-conservation in the static vacuum field as an essential feature.
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- May 2019
299. Design and simulation of the snowflake divertor control for NSTX-U
- Author(s):
- Vail, P. J.; Boyer, M. D.; Welander, A. S.; Kolemen, E.; U.S. Department of Energy contract number DE-AC02-09CH11466
- Abstract:
- This paper presents the development of a physics-based multiple-input-multiple-output algorithm for real-time feedback control of snowflake divertor (SFD) configurations on the National Spherical Torus eXperiment Upgrade (NSTX-U). A model of the SFD configuration response to applied voltages on the divertor control coils is first derived and then used, in conjunction with multivariable control synthesis techniques, to design an optimal state feedback controller for the configuration. To demonstrate the capabilities of the controller, a nonlinear simulator for axisymmetric shape control was developed for NSTX-U which simultaneously evolves the currents in poloidal field coils based upon a set of feedback-computed voltage commands, calculates the induced currents in passive conducting structures, and updates the plasma equilibrium by solving the free-boundary Grad-Shafranov problem. Closed-loop simulations demonstrate that the algorithm enables controlled operations in a variety of SFD configurations and provides capabilities for accurate tracking of time-dependent target trajectories for the divertor geometry. In particular, simulation results suggest that a time-varying controller which can properly account for the evolving SFD dynamical response is not only desirable but necessary for achieving acceptable control performance. The algorithm presented in this paper has been implemented in the NSTX-U Plasma Control System in preparation for future control and divertor physics experiments.
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- April 2019
300. Electron inertial effects on linearly polarized electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves at Earth's magnetosphere
- Author(s):
- Kim, Eun-Hwa; Johnson, Jay; Lee, Dong-Hun
- Abstract:
- We discuss a role of the electron inertial effect on linearly polarized electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves at Earth. The linearly polarized EMIC waves have been previously suggested to be generated via mode conversion from the fast compressional wave at the ion-ion hybrid (IIH) resonance. When the electron inertial effects are neglected, the wave normal angle of the mode-converted IIH waves is 90 degrees because the wavevector perpendicular to the magnetic field becomes infinite at the IIH resonance. When the electron inertial effect is considered, the mode-converted IIH waves can propagate across the magnetic field lines and the wavelength perpendicular to the magnetic field approaches the electron inertial length scale near the Buchsbaum resonance. These waves are referred to as electron inertial waves. Due to the electron inertial effect, the perpendicular wavenumber to the ambient magnetic field near the IIH resonance remains finite and the wave normal angle is less than 90 degrees. The wave normal angle where the maximum absorption occurs in a dipole magnetic field is 30-80 degrees, which is consistent with the observed values near the magnetic equator. Therefore, the numerical results suggest that the linearly polarized EMIC wave generated via mode conversion near the IIH resonance can be detected in between the Buchsbaum and the IIH resonance frequencies, and these waves can have normal angle less than 90 degrees.
- Type:
- Dataset
- Issue Date:
- April 2019