Data for "Verification of the kinetic electron role in the microinstabilities in a negative triangularity model equilibrium"

Li, Jessica ; Chang, Choong-Seock ; Hager, Robert ; Reiman, Allan ; Zarnstorff, Michael
Issue date: 2024
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
Cite as:
Li, Jessica, Chang, Choong-Seock, Hager, Robert, Reiman, Allan, & Zarnstorff, Michael. (2024). Data for "Verification of the kinetic electron role in the microinstabilities in a negative triangularity model equilibrium" [Data set]. Princeton University, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.
  author      = {Li, Jessica and
                Chang, Choong-Seock and
                Hager, Robert and
                Reiman, Allan and
                Zarnstorff, Michael},
  title       = {{Data for "Verification of the kinetic el
                ectron role in the microinstabilities in
                 a negative triangularity model equilibr
  publisher   = {{Princeton University, Princeton Plasma P
                hysics Lab}},
  year        = 2024,
  url         = {}

This contains the dataset used in "Verification of the kinetic electron role in the microinstabilities in a negative triangularity model equilibrium" published in Physics of Plasmas in Oct 2024. It consists of plaintext files as well as .bp files (which may be read by ADIOS open-source software) used for creating the plots that appear in the paper. These are derived from simulation outputs from XGC (X-point Gyrokinetic Code). The data mainly consists of growth rate and frequency measurements as well as poloidal cross-section data.

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