Figure data for "Vertical Instability Forecasting and Controllability Assessment of Multi-device Tokamak Plasmas in DECAF with Data-driven Optimization"
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Tobin, Matthew, Sabbagh, Steven, Zamkovska, Veronika, Riquezes, Juan, Butt, Jalal, Cunningham, G, Kogan, L, Measures, J, Blackmore, S, Ham, Christopher, Berkery, John, Gerhardt, Stefan, Bak, Jun Gyo, Lee, J, & Yoon, S W. (2024). Figure data for "Vertical Instability Forecasting and Controllability Assessment of Multi-device Tokamak Plasmas in DECAF with Data-driven Optimization" [Data set]. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University.
@electronic{tobin_matthew_2024, author = {Tobin, Matthew and Sabbagh, Steven and Zamkovska, Veronika and Riquezes, Juan and Butt, Jalal and Cunningham, G and Kogan, L and Measures, J and Blackmore, S and Ham, Christopher and Berkery, John and Gerhardt, Stefan and Bak, Jun Gyo and Lee, J and Yoon, S W}, title = {{Figure data for "Vertical Instability Fo recasting and Controllability Assessment of Multi-device Tokamak Plasmas in DECA F with Data-driven Optimization"}}, publisher = {{Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Pri nceton University}}, year = 2024, url = {} }
Figure data for manuscript "Vertical Instability Forecasting and Controllability Assessment of Multi-device Tokamak Plasmas in DECAF with Data-driven Optimization". Data as raw x-, y-, and z- (where appropriate) values are stored in the csv files for ease of interpretation in various data analysis programs.
Tobin, Matthew (Columbia University) Sabbagh, Steven (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Zamkovska, Veronika (Columbia University) Riquezes, Juan (Columbia University) Butt, Jalal (Princeton University) Cunningham, G (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) Kogan, L (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) Measures, J (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) Blackmore, S (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) Ham, Christopher (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) Berkery, John (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Gerhardt, Stefan (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Bak, Jun Gyo (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy) Lee, J (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy) Yoon, S W (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)