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Cite as:
Kraus, B. Frances, McPoyle, Shawn, Atay, Kemal, Kriz, Ester, Hollinger, Reed, Benjamin, Subish, Malko, Sophia, Hill, Kenneth, Gao, Lan, Efthimion, Philip, Wang, Shoujun, King, James, Zahedpour Anaraki, Sina, Shlyaptsev, V, & Rocca, Jorge. (2024). Data repository for "Toward electron temperature profiles in hot-dense plasmas from x-ray spectral ensembles" [Data set]. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University. https://doi.org/10.34770/khgt-vv93
@electronic{kraus_b_frances_2024, author = {Kraus, B. Frances and McPoyle, Shawn and Atay, Kemal and Kriz, Ester and Hollinger, Reed and Benjamin, Subish and Malko, Sophia and Hill, Kenneth and Gao, Lan and Efthimion, Philip and Wang, Shoujun and King, James and Zahedpour Anaraki, Sina and Shlyaptsev, V and Rocca, Jorge}, title = {{Data repository for "Toward electron tem perature profiles in hot-dense plasmas f rom x-ray spectral ensembles"}}, publisher = {{Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Pri nceton University}}, year = 2024, url = {https://doi.org/10.34770/khgt-vv93} }
This repository contains data required to reproduce the figures of a Physics of Plasmas publication about ensemble analysis of x-ray spectra from micro-stripe laser targets.